5 tips for creating a non-boring ‘About’ page that converts leads

katie and angela method marketing

The ‘About’ page is surprisingly one of the top visited pages on a website. But more often than not, it’s a serious yawn fest. 

Most businesses overlook their ‘About’ page and don’t spend a lot of time on it… and some don’t even bother having one (*gasp*)! 

We’re here to tell you – you need an ‘About’ page and it’s worth investing some time in. 

Here’s why:

  • It’s a place to build trust.  They want to get a sense of who you are and what you stand for in order to determine if your company is one they’d like to do business with.
  • It’s a place to explain what you can do for them and why you are the best person to do it. Tell them what problem you solve.  How can you make their life easier and better?
  • It’s a place to showcase the results you have achieved for past customers. 

Here are 5 tips to turn your ‘About’ page into a non-boring, lead-generating machine: 

First things first, your about page is not about you.

Your ‘About’ page should be all about you, your services, your company and your history. Right?


While it’s tempting to write all about your team and your company, it can’t be all that you do. 

What the customer really cares about is themself. And it’s important that your ‘About’ page explains exactly what you can do for them. 

A really simple trick to help you start writing this way is to use ‘you’ in your copywriting instead of ‘we’. For example, the following sentence:

“We help SMEs increase efficiency and productivity with our project management software”

could be improved to:

“Want to increase productivity and efficiency in your business? Our project management software helps your team accomplish more.”

Drop the fluff

Cue immediate eye roll as soon as you see phrases like “agile”, “industry leading” or “cutting edge.” 

Customers hear these claims so often that they’ve lost their meaning. You may in fact be the leading, fastest-growing firm in your market – but it’s always better to show your customers this, not tell them. 

Consider using facts, statistics and/or examples of the work you do or the service you provide. Share case studies, reviews and testimonials. If you don’t have any to share, why not ask your past customers for some? You’d be surprised how willing people are to provide feedback when asked. 

Don’t be afraid to be different

Most ‘About’ pages all sound the same. So make an effort to stand out and set yours apart from the competition.

Don’t be afraid to be a bit risky and inject some personality into your content. 

Every business has unique experiences and passions that differentiate them and make them suited to provide the products or  services that they do. Your ‘About’ page is the place  to share this. 

A great way to think about this differentiator is to start with asking yourself “What’s wrong with your industry?” or “How is your approach different?” 

Your ‘About’ page is not the place for stock photos

We repeat. Do not use stock photos on your About’ page.

People do business with people. They want to see who they’ll be working with and put a face to a name. 

Pictures instantly make your company more approachable and trustworthy. 

Don’t have great photos? Consider investing in a photoshoot with a local photographer. You can use these photos on your website and social media channels. 

Don’t forget a call-to-action

You may be thinking my ‘About’ page is not a sales tool, but you’d be wrong. It’s probably one of the largest missed opportunities on the web.

When writing your ‘About’ page ask yourself “What’s the one thing I want readers to do after visiting my ‘About’ page?”

It may be to subscribe to your mailing list, read a case study or book a meeting with you. 

When you think about it, visitors who have taken the time to read your ‘About’ page are likely interested in your company and what you have to offer – which makes them a pretty warm lead. So take advantage and don’t forget the ASK! 

If you need help with copywriting or perhaps an entire website redesign, get in touch! 

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